Thursday, November 7, 2013

My Smith's Haul Today!

Sorry it's not the best photo! I should have taken the photo from the other side, but I was so hungry staring at it all I needed to get it put away and make my eggs!

I got myself a NICE HAUL at Smith's (Kroger) this morning! I did not plan meals for this trip, I decided to just stock up on items we use or wanted (although some will go towards meals). There were several more items I wanted to get however my cart was FULL and my son was DONE! I will be going back this weekend! I still need my canned items for my taco soup, chicken/beef broth for my soups and french dip sandwiches, and my marshmallows for our ginger bread houses (OK, ours will be made out of graham crackers or pretzel logs).

I paid $77 for my haul (saved over $63)! 70 of my almost 100 items were on the Buy 10 Save $5 Mega Event! My one splurge was my Orange Juice (I still can't believe I keep paying $3.50 for it). I also let my son talk me into buying some Cheez-its even though they were not the lowest price Smith's sells them for ($1.99 is) and I didn't have a coupon. Sad!

My favorite buys were the 12 FREE Powerbars, the FREE Tampons, and 10 tubs of All Laundry Detergent for $1.49 each (It looks like another shelf is going up in the laundry room). I am also glad to see the water on sale. I love storing these as part of my water supply. They store great and last for up to two years. It's hard to see (behind the milk) but I also scored 4 bags of Doritos for Cheap! My husband and son prefer chips most days to anything else (unfortunately I can't help you with a coupon for those because I found a couple bags with coupons taped on them).

Here are just a few other great deals I saw (I forgot that packages of pasta were only $0.49 - I know this is on the "needs" list for the Utah Food Bank right now). I'll snap more when I got back by myself.